Free or "Open-Source" software, and in particular Linux, is doing extremely well technically. However, it fails to secure a significant portion of the protected, lucrative software market, especially for end-users. Can Free Software finally make a full entry into our society? The main obstacles to overcoming the domination of proprietary software, most of them non-technical, require thinking outside of code-writing. "Overtaking Proprietary Software Without Writing Code" will relate experience gained from the activities of the GNU/Linux Matters non-profit, and provide some hands-on advice for community members, taking a handful of relevant examples. Pre-requisites are: A good understanding of the notion of Free/"open-source" Software and some of the main themes that surround it, such as DRM. There is no particular technical knowledge required.
Secdocs is a project aimed to index high-quality IT security and hacking documents. These are fetched from multiple data sources: events, conferences and generally from interwebs.
Serving 8166 documents and 531.0 GB of hacking knowledge, indexed from 2419 authors from 163 security conferences.