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Defending mobile phones

GSM, phone
Karsten Nohl, Luca Melette
Chaos Communication Congress 28th (28C3) 2011
Indexed on
Mar 27, 2013
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File size
354.1 MB

Cell phone users face an increasing frequency and depth of privacy intruding attacks. Defense knowledge has not scaled at the same speed as attack capabilities. This talk intends to revert this imbalance. Most severe attack vectors on mobile phones are due to an outdated technology base that lacks strong cryptographic authentication or confidentiality. Given this discrepancy between protection need and reality, a number of countermeasures were developed for networks and phones to better protect their users. We explain the most important measures and track their deployment. Furthermore, we will release tools to measure the level of vulnerability of networks. Sharing the results of these measurements will hopefully create problem awareness and demand for more security by phone users around the world.

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