A lot has changed since discussions around digital privacy began. The security community won the war for strong cryptography, anonymous darknets which presumably make the eradication of information impossible have been successfully deployed, and much of the communications infrastructure has been decentralized. These strategies were carefully conceived while planning for the most dystopian visions of the future imaginable, and yet somehow they've fallen short of delivering us from the most pernicious privacy threats today. Rather than a centralized state-backed database of all our movements, modern threats to privacy have become something much more subtle, and perhaps all the more sinister. This talk will explore these evolving trends and discuss some interesting solutions in the works.
Secdocs is a project aimed to index high-quality IT security and hacking documents. These are fetched from multiple data sources: events, conferences and generally from interwebs.
Serving 8166 documents and 531.0 GB of hacking knowledge, indexed from 2419 authors from 163 security conferences.